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January 27, 2009

Witness Signature Page
The IRB has recently created a witness signature page. The witness signature page is intended to be used in unanticipated situations when a participant is able to give full consent for participation in a research study, however, a witness to the consent process is necessary. Such situations may include:

  • The participant is illiterate and must have the consent document read aloud.
  • The participant is blind and must have the consent document read aloud.
  • The participant is physically unable to write and cannot sign the consent document.

IRB approval for use of the witness signature page is not needed. This page may be printed for use at any time there is an unanticipated need for a witness to the consent process.

The witness signature page should not be used for studies that are required to have a witness present or for studies that anticipate a large portion of the participant population will require a witness to the consent process. For these studies, the witness signature lines should be included on the signature page of the full, IRB approve consent document.

The witness signature page must not be used for the following situations:

  • Consenting individuals who do not read or speak English as their primary language.
  • Consenting individuals who are cognitively impaired or mentally disabled.
  • Consenting minors without parental permission.

Any study found to be using the witness signature page for these purposes will be non-compliant with IRB policy.

You can find a copy of the witness signature page on the IRB website.

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