January 18, 2012
The ERICA system will be offline starting Friday, 1/20 at 12:00 PM until Monday, 1/23. Beginning 1/23/2012, the new version of the application will be in use and the Protocol/Research Summary will no longer be required.
Please consider the following in preparation for this change.
Summary of Changes
The IRB has compiled a summary of the changes for the ERICA update. You may review these changes in the linked document titled, “Summary of Changes – ERICA Update Jan 2012 [PDF].”
ERICA Tutorials
The IRB has prepared several written tutorials to aid your understanding of the new changes to ERICA. The following tutorials are linked for your use:
- New Study Application Tutorial [PDF]: This tutorial is intended to provide you with more in-depth and practical assistance as you complete your New Study Application as well as the Update Study Application at continuing review.
- Protocol Summary e-Version [PDF]: This tutorial includes instructions for generating a traditional protocol summary from the answers provided in your application.
- Full Protocol Requirements [PDF]: This document will help you decide whether you need to attach a full protocol to your IRB application.
- View Differences Tutorial [PDF]: This tutorial shows you how to view tracked changes to the New Study or Update Study Application using the “View Differences” button.
Approval Letter Determinations [PDF]: This document includes descriptions of the determinations the IRB includes in its approval letters as of January 2012 and what each determination means.