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Forms for Conducting Research at the VA

November 5th, 2014

Researchers conducting procedures at the Salt Lake City VA need to be aware of the additional administrative forms that may be required in addition to the IRB application.

  • VA IRB Documentation of Waiver of HIPAA Authorization for Research: Required at new study review for studies requesting a waiver of authorization. Also required at amendment review if the amendment includes a waiver request.
  • VA Real Social Security Number (SSN) Access Request Form: Required at new study review for studies requesting use of or access to veterans’ Social Security Numbers.  Also required at amendment review if the amendment includes this request.
  • VA Certification of Informed Consent: Required at continuing review for studies with informed consent processes.

These forms are available on the Health Sciences Forms & Templates page.  The study team must complete the indicated sections of each form and attach them to the ERICA application on the Documents and Attachments page.  If the IRB or VA are required to complete additional sections of the form, this will be done as part of the review process.

If you have questions regarding any of these forms, please contact the VA Research Office at 801-584-1271.

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