The following University of Utah Institutional Review Board SOPs were reviewed as part of a scheduled sunset review procedure. As a reminder, all IRB SOPs are also being updated as part of a harmonization project to improve ease of reading and understanding. Please take a moment to review these SOPs as a refresher and part of ongoing training.
IRB Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)
SOP 106 | Implementation of the Final Rule: Added purpose and scope sections, and made minor changes for harmonization. |
SOP 402 | Expedited Review: Clarified the procedure for the dissemination of expedited items to board members. Added purpose and scope sections. |
SOP 901 | Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Participants or Others:: Added definition for responsible investigator and added further clarification for the definition of a related adverse event. Moved some text for clarity. Added purpose and scope sections, and made formatting and grammatical changes. |
SOP 902 | Protocol Deviations:: Made minor corrections for better comprehension. Added purpose and scope and definitions sections. |
SOP 906 | Protection of Research Protections:: Added purpose and scope sections. |
SOP 909 | Institutional Review Board (IRB) Community Outreach:: Made minor text updates for clarification and minor updates to reflect current practice. Added purpose and scope sections. |
Questions? If you require any clarification regarding these SOPs, please contact Anna Shirley, IRB Administrator. Versions with tracked changes are available upon request.