About the University of Utah IRB
What We Do
We conduct ethics reviews for research that includes humans as participants. This includes biomedical research and social and behavioral sciences research.
To protect the rights and welfare of human research participants by ensuring compliance with state and federal laws, as well as the high ethical standards set forth in University policy
To provide the University and national research communities with the support and resources they need to conduct high quality research, using innovative and efficient operational practices.
Your IRB at a Glance
We are a fully-functioning Single IRB (SIRB) and provide IRB review services for multi-site research across the United States. The University of Utah IRB has a vast experience applying the regulations and policies of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense. The IRB oversees more than 7,000 active human research projects, including clinical trials and related biomedical research, social and behavioral sciences research, and research involving all vulnerable populations described in the Common Rule and related regulatory guidance. The IRB has particular expertise for reviewing molecular and genetic research using biospecimens and data.
The UU SIRB is one of the leading developers of the SIRB process for academic and local institutions. The University of Utah has been at the forefront of designing and evaluating SIRB methodology through empirical evidence and experience. The University of Utah IRB serves as the SIRB for many multi-site trials, with up to 40 participating sites per trial. The IRB also serves as a SIRB for several research networks, including the Trial Innovation Network designated by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). The University of Utah has joined the SMART IRB Master Authorization Agreement, allowing for a streamlined SIRB reliance process with the more than 700 institutions who have also joined. The IRB has an established process for engaging with site investigators and HRPP representatives in order to secure IRB reliance and approval for each participating site. Use of the University of Utah IRB as a SIRB provides investigators with access to the ERICA Online System, an electronic system that streamlines submission, review, communication, and documentation for studies. Additionally, investigators have access to a comprehensive SIRB consultation process for navigating issues related to study design, methods, and consent documentation for multi-site studies.
Our Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) have numerous publications available. We invite you to review our Publications and Posters Library to learn more.
The University of Utah IRB oversees over 7,000 active studies centered at our institution and all over the world. We review 1,600+ new studies each year and convene our review panels 2-4 times each week.
The University of Utah IRB oversees over 7,000 active studies centered at our institution and all over the world. We review 1,600+ new studies each year and convene our review panels 2-4 times each week.
We have the review expertise for a wide variety of research, including:
- Common Rule
- Veterans Affairs
- Department of Defense
- Fetuses
- Neonates
- Children
- Prisoners
- Individuals with Cognitive Impairment
We use the ERICA Online System for high quality, efficient IRB and HRPP reviews. This includes access for external personnel using our Single IRB (SIRB).
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