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Annual HRPP Progress Updates

The IRB and Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) have initiated a new requirement for Annual HRPP Progress Updates in the ERICA system.

The purpose of the Annual HRPP Progress Update is to receive study status information for studies that do not require the traditional continuing review. This means that all active,open studies without an expiration date will be required to submit an Annual HRPP Progress Update in order to remain open and active.

The HRPP Progress Update submission is due by the annual anniversary date of the study's initial approval or exemption determination from the ERICA system. An HRPP Progress Update submission is required annually for as long as the study is open.

If the Principal Investigator does not submit the HRPP Progress Update by the annual anniversary date of the study's initial approval/exemption, the study will be administratively closed. Investigators will be given a 10-day grace period after the due date before the automatic closure occurs.

Please review the full FAQ on Annual HRPP Progress Updates.


  • This new requirement applies to all currently active, open studies, as well as new studies approved/exempted after August 27th.
  • For currently active, open studies with an anniversary day between October 27 and December 31, your first HRPP Progress Update will be due in 2021 on your anniversary day. You will then have a submission due every year thereafter on that day.
    • For example, if your original approval/exemption date was on October 27, 2015, your first HRPP Progress update will be due on October 27, 2021; as well as every year thereafter on October 27th.
  • For currently active, open studies with an anniversary day between January 1 and October 26, your first HRPP Progress Update will be due in 2022 on your anniversary day. You will then have a submission due every year thereafter on that day.
    • For example, if your original approval/exemption date was on October 26, 2015, your first HRPP Progress update will be due on October 26, 2022; as well as every year thereafter on October 26th.
  • You can submit the Annual HRPP Progress Update up to 60 days in advance of the anniversary day. This will not change the anniversary day for the next year.

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