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May 1, 2009

The IRB has recently received an increased volume of submissions, with nearly double the amount of reviews for the meetings in May. Due to the number of submissions that require review, some IRB applications will be bumped back 1 – 2 board meetings.


The IRB is assigning studies according to the following guidelines and there is no guarantee of a specific meeting date at this time. Studies must complete and submit pre board revisions before they will be considered for meeting assignment.

New Studies and Amendments
Priority for review goes to:

  1. Studies that have already been bumped from a prior meeting
  2. Studies that have completed and submitted pre board revisions the earliest
  3. Studies for which the IRB has specific reviewing expertise

Continuing Review Applications:

For For continuing review applications that do not expire within the month of May, we will be bumping a significant portion to meetings throughout June in order to accommodate studies with more urgent expiration dates. See assignment schedule below:

Expiration Date Assign to Panel:
Any time in May Panel 2 – May meeting
Panel 3 – May meeting
Panel 4 – May meeting
June 1-15, 2009 Panel 4 – May meeting
June 16-30, 2009 Panel 1 – June meeting
July 1-15, 2009 Panel 2 – June meeting
July 16-30, 2009 Panel 3 – June meeting
Aug 1-15, 2009 Panel 4 – June meeting

We hope to be back on schedule by the beginning of June and apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the IRB at 801-581-3655 or

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