Fees for Review Services
Fee Procedure
All initial study submissions to the University of Utah must identify the funding sources supporting the proposed research, including whether there is current or planned support from a sponsor. When a submission is received and is not designated as sponsored, but is later determined to be sponsored, appropriate IRB fees will be assessed.
Payment of fees is regarded as a contractual responsibility of the sponsor or lead investigator. The fees are assessments of actual costs associated with review by the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and IRB and are charged for services rendered. Because the HRPP/IRB commits its full resources to each review, the fees are due in full, even if the IRB does not approve the study, subjects are never enrolled, expenditures exceed revenue, a contract is never finalized, or the study is terminated before objectives are reached. If there is uncertainty as to whether or not the contract will be finalized or the trial will actually go forward, sponsors and/or investigators may wish to delay incurring these charges until all plans are final.
Fees should only be remitted after the study team receives an invoice via the ERICA system. If an ERICA invoice does not exists in relation to a payment received by the IRB, the payment will be returned after 30 days.
Fee Waivers
Fee waivers will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Fee appeals are submitted for consideration by completing the Fee Waiver Request Form.