Investigator Guidance Series (IGS)
This page serves as a central hub for all of the IGS documents. Topics are updated regularly; this page should be the starting point for any coordinator with a question about IRB policy on a specific topic.
All documents are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
Board Member Guidance Series
Document | Tracked Changes | Version Date |
Applicable State Laws | Tracked Changes | 02.16.2024 |
Biopsies for Research Purposes | Tracked Changes |
05.26.2021 |
Considerations for Pregnancy Testing Prior to Radiation Exposure for Research Purposes | N/A |
03.01.2016 |
Equitable Selection of Participants | Tracked Changes | 08.26.2019 |
Ethical Considerations for Surrogate Consent | N/A | 02.16.2024 |
Expedited Category 8(a) Decision Chart | N/A | 03.21.2022 |
Expedited Category 9 Decision Chart | Tracked Changes | 11.20.2020 |
IRB Authority: Observation of Consent & Conduct of Research | Tracked Changes | 08.25.2019 |
SIRB Site-Control Review Instructions | Tracked Changes | 11.17.2020 |
Verification from Other Sources | N/A | 04.30.2019 |
Virtual IRB Meetings | N/A | 03.16.2020 |
Waivers of Consent for Research with Prospective Data Collection | Tracked Changes | 07.18.2024 |
Writing a Review Summary | Tracked Changes | 07.15.2020 |