As of July 1, 2008, the IRB will increase the fees charged to review for-profit sponsored research. This is the first increase since the fees were instituted in 2004 and is due in large part to the increase in F&A to 32.7%. IRB fees support a number of Research Administration operations including the ERICA system. Existing studies and studies that are submitted on or after July 1, 2008, will be subject to the new fee schedule. There will be no “grandfather clause” as this will only create confusion and additional administrative burden for researchers and the IRB. The current Fee Schedule will remain in effect until July 1, 2008. Please contact the institutional review board if you have questions or review the Frequently Asked Questions document on our web site.
July 1, 2008, new IRB Fee Schedule:
- New Study
$1600 paid by check
$1206 paid with Campus Order
$394 paid to F&A - Continuing Review
$575 paid by check
$434 paid with Campus Order
$141 paid to F&A - Sponsor Initiated Amendment
$575 paid by check
$434 paid with Campus Order
$141 paid to F&A - Continuing Review & Amendment
$1150 paid by check
$837 paid with Campus Order
$283 paid to F&A