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April 29, 2010

A new IRB assent template is available on the IRB website:

Assent form with HIPAA language
Assent form for Main Campus

This template was designed to better address assent needs for children and cognitively impaired adults.

A new section has also been added to the assent template. The section includes a set of options at the end of the document to be completed by the person obtaining assent. These options allow documentation of the participant’s ability to read the assent document. This may help some studies to document the assent process. This new section is not required and is optional.

The IRB will not be requesting changes to currently-approved assent documents at continuing review, as the required elements of the assent template have not changed; all currently-approved assent documents still meet assent requirements. If you would like to revise your current assent document to fit this template or to add the optional section mentioned above, you must submit an amendment application to the IRB.

Note: A tracked copy of the changes to the template has not been provided on the IRB website, as the formatting has changed substantially.

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact the IRB office at 801.581.3655.

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