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Farewell as the IRB Director

Dear IRB members,

After more than 18 years with the University of Utah IRB, I am excited to let you know that I have accepted the position of Associate Vice Provost for Research Compliance at Stanford University, starting August 15th. This excitement also comes with heartfelt sadness to be leaving such a wonderful place as the University of Utah and its IRB.

For a substantial period of my IRB career, I spent each Wednesday sitting with each IRB panel while we reviewed studies, gained experience, laughed, and made lasting relationships. I owe much of my career success to the professional, kind, and enjoyable relationships forged in IRB panel meetings.

The work you do with the IRB has built a research community that trusts in the research oversight provided at the University and sees the IRB as a partner to successful research, not an adversary.

As I remain in the field of research oversight and ethics, I know I will continue to interact with the University of Utah IRB and faculty and I hope we will continue to work together in the future.

I wish you all the best and express my gratitude for your service with the IRB.




Ann Johnson, PhD, MPH
Director, Institutional Review Board
& Human Research Protection Program
University of Utah

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