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February 9, 2007

Resume/CV: As you may know, the IRB requires the CV (or resume) of the principal investigator and faculty sponsor (if applicable) as part of the application. Instead of requiring this for each submission, ERICA will now keep the CV with the investigator’s profile.

For investigators who already attached a CV in the system, it will now populate automatically for any subsequent submissions. We attempted to select the CV from the latest project and attached it to the profile. If this is incorrect you may modify the CV.

For investigators who need to add or update a CV, it is still added or edited through the Documents and Attachments page of the application.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The administrative contacts will now receive an email when a conflict of interest disclosure is submitted.

ERICA Alert: With the Campus Conversion to Outlook, there are many email which are sent through the ERICA system that are not being delivered. This may impact you whether or not you have been converted to Outlook. Please be sure to check you study status in ERICA if you are waiting for email notifications e.g. revision notices, renewal reminders, etc.

ITS plans to complete the conversion during the President’s Day holiday weekend, beginning Friday evening, February 16th. Hopefully it will be resolved by Tuesday morning, February 20th. If you have email problems, please contact the ITS Help Desk 587-6000.

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