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IRB SOP Updates

The following University of Utah Institutional Review Board SOPs were reviewed as part of a scheduled sunset review procedure. As a reminder, all IRB SOPs are also being updated as part of a harmonization project to improve ease of reading and understanding. Please take a moment to review these SOPs as a refresher and part of ongoing training.

IRB Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)


SOP 301 Research Submission Requirements: Added purpose and scope sections, and made formatting and grammatical changes.
SOP 303 IRB Review of Submissions: Clarified the procedure for the dissemination of expedited items to board members. Added purpose and scope sections.
SOP 904 Administrative Hold, Suspension and Termination of Approved Research: Clarified that exempt studies are also included in research that may be suspended or terminated. Added purpose and scope sections, and made formatting and grammatical changes.
SOP 907 Research Complaints and Concerns: Added purpose and scope sections, and made corrections to format

Questions? If you require any clarification regarding these SOPs, please contact Anna Shirley, IRB Administrator. Versions with tracked changes are available upon request.

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