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October 8, 2010

IRB Updates

The IRB has received record submissions in 2009 and 2010 due to the increase in human subject research being conducted at the University of Utah. As a result, the IRB has worked diligently to improve our processes to ensure that the review and approval of research is thorough as well as efficient. The following changes have been implemented to help address review for the increasing number of submissions.

Changes in Study Approval Periods

IRB policy has changed to allow an approval period up to two-years for some research studies, instead of the one-year approval period that is used today. Not all studies are eligible for two-year approval – the guidelines to issue up to a two year approval period are described in the attached document. Please read this document carefully in order to understand when a project is eligible for a two-year approval period.

All determinations regarding approval periods will be made by the IRB and will not be influenced by requests from investigators and study teams. Please do not request a two-year approval period as part of your submission. To ensure that your study receives an accurate review and the longest possible approval period, describe all procedures and funding sources in detail in the IRB application.

It is anticipated that this change will decrease the number of continuing review applications received each month and substantially reduce the workload for study teams, IRB members, and IRB staff.

Addition of IRB Panel Six

Due to the increase in submissions that require convened board review, a new IRB Panel Six has been created. Panel Six will convene at noon on the third Wednesday of each month beginning October 20, 2010.

The addition of Panel Six will decrease the length of time between initial submission and final approval of studies, and help to eliminate the need to “bump” studies from multiple meetings due to high volume.

The IRB appreciates the service of additional faculty as new members join us from departments across campus. These additional IRB members are essential to maintain expertise in all fields of research and conduct thorough and efficient reviews.

If you have any questions about these updates, please contact the IRB at 801-581-3655.

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