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September 15, 2008

Changes have been made to the liability statement using the consent and parental permission forms for research conducted at Shriners Hospital for Children. The new statement is displayed below. Updated consent and parental permission templates are available on the IRB website.

This statement must be updated in consent and parental permission forms at the time of continuing review.

New Statement:
Also, in the event of injury or undesirable reaction from participation in research-related activities, Shriners Hospitals for Children can only provide those medical services available at the Shriners Salt Lake City Hospital. Shriners Hospitals for Children has no program to provide any financial compensation for a research-related injury or an undesirable reaction. If you believe that you have sustained an injury as a result of participating in this research program, please also contact the investigators and/or Chief of Staff, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Salt Lake City Hospital, at (801) 536-3600. By signing this document you are not giving up your right to pursue legal action against any and all parties involved with this research.

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