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SIRB Review Fees

The University of Utah IRB will be enforcing our Single IRB Review fees policy in a new way beginning April 1, 2024. We ask that you help to share this with researchers in your department/division as we prepare to make this change in practice.

What is changing?

For studies that cannot pay the expected Single IRB Review fees throughout the course of the study, the IRB will bill the study’s department for these fees.

Why is the IRB making this change?

We have encountered several studies that have not budgeted properly to cover the costs of UU Single IRB Review fees for full the length of the study.

Can I speak with someone about this change?

If you would like to consult with the SIRB Reliance Team, you can submit a Reliance Consultation Request form and we’ll be in touch. Click the “Get Started with SIRB” button to learn more.


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