September 30th, 2015
The IRB has updated the guidance on Genetic Research to add information on the topic of disclosure of incidental findings. This update includes the new standard institutional process for disclosure of incidental findings to research participants. View the updated guidance IGS – Genetic Research H2215.
As a complement to this guidance, the following new educational opportunity is offered through the Research Administration Training Series (RATS):
Managing the Return of Incidental Findings in Research
Instructors: Jeffrey Botkin, MD, MPH, Associate Vice President for Research & Professor of Pediatrics; Ann Johnson, IRB Associate Director
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2015
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: HSEB 1750
To register, visit: Managing the Return of Incidental Findings in Research
Additionally, the IRB has made the following changes related to the updated guidance:
- New template language has been added to the Consent (and Authorization) Templates in the New Information section for informing participants about the possibility of incidental findings. The updated templates are available on the Health Sciences Forms & Templates page. Applicable studies will be required to include this language at initial submission of a new study application or at continuing review.
- The ERICA application will be updated to include new questions applicable to genetic research. This ERICA update is scheduled and more details will be made available at the time of release.
Please contact the IRB at 801-581-3655 or irb@hsc.utah.edu if you have questions about this update.