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Website Update

February 3rd, 2020

The IRB website has been converted to the latest University of Utah template!  New features include a floating menu bar (click “Menu” in the top corner to access) and enhanced search capabilities.

  • The ERICA button is in the floating menu, which is accessible from any page on the site.  Click “Menu” at the top of the page, and the ERICA button is at the bottom.

  • If you’ve scrolled down a bit on a long page, click the gray arrow at the bottom-right of your screen to jump back to the top of the page.

  • We are diligently working to correct broken links throughout the site.  If you find one before February 17, 2020, chances are we are aware of it and working to fix it.  After that, if you still come across a broken link, send an email to the IRB's Webmaster.

     If you find a broken link you need fixed urgently, please send a high priority email to the IRB Webmaster.  We’ll get it prioritized.

If you have questions, please Contact Us.

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