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SIRB Review Fees

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November 14th, 2023

The University of Utah IRB will be enforcing our Single IRB Review fees policy in a new way beginning April 1, 2024. We ask that you help to share this with researchers in your department/division as we prepare to make this change in practice. For studies that cannot pay the expected Single IRB Review fees throughout the course of the study, the IRB will bill the study’s department for these fees.

Why is the IRB making this change?
We have encountered several studies that have not budgeted properly to cover the costs of UU Single IRB Review fees for the length of the study. The University of Utah IRB is largely funded by indirect costs of research. However, because Single IRB Review is not covered by the University’s indirect costs, the IRB requires an extra fee to cover the cost of Single IRB Review. Covering the costs of Single IRB reviews through the additional fee ensures we have the resources to function effectively.

When are Single IRB review fees charged?
We charge Single IRB Review fees to cover the costs of IRB review for external study sites of funded studies that choose the University of Utah IRB to cover their IRB review needs.  The fee covers the extra work the University of Utah IRB performs to review and oversee research with human subjects at an external site.

Are SIRB IRB review fees ever waived?
Yes, but this decision must be made in the pre-award process, and we will need to discuss this request with investigators prior to submitting a proposal. You may request a fee waiver by submitting the Fee Waiver Request form on the IRB website.

Does the IRB provide fee information that can be used to create study budgets?
Yes. We offer consultations during the pre-award period and the study team can request a Single IRB fee quote for use in building their budget. For more information about the University of Utah’s Single IRB Review process and the required costs, please visit our website at the links below.

Can I speak with someone about this change?
We will be holding a virtual Open Office Hours session on 12/11/2023 from 10:00-11:00 AM for the research community to stop in an ask questions. You and members of your department are invited to attend if needed.

Virtual Open Office Hours with the IRB

December 11, 2023 from 10:00-11:00 AM MST

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 990 7046 7776
Passcode: 167874

More Information:

If you have questions, please Contact Us.

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