Research Participant Resources
About Research Participation
Before joining a research project, we encourage you to learn more about your rights as a research volunteer and the risks and benefits of being in research. The IRB has a brochure available for you. This brochure can be downloaded and printed by participants, investigators, or departments who wish to distribute the pamphlet as an educational resource. If you are a participant and would like the IRB to send you a paper copy of the pamphlet or if you are an investigator or department who would like a supply for use in your office please contact the IRB at 801-581-3655 or
Even in normal circumstances, medical bills can be confusing. Compliance Services has provided more information to help you understand your medical bills while participating in a research study. You can always discuss these with your research team or contact the Clinical Research Compliance and Education office at (801) 213-3601. Insurance Billing and Clinical Trials [PDF]
Past or prospective participants or their designated representatives, and others who wish to obtain answers to questions, express concerns, and convey suggestions, or provide input regarding the Human Research Protection Program to someone independent of the IRB may contact the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance by calling (801) 581-7170.
The Office of Research Integrity & Compliance is independent of the IRB and not affiliated with any specific research protocol.
The Office for Human Research Protections has launched a campaign to inform the general public about research participation. OHRP's brochure, "Becoming a Research Volunteer: It's Your Decision" is intended for people who are considering joining a research study. To download or print a copy in English or Spanish, please visit the OHRP Public Outreach site.
The VA Office of Research and Development provides information to veterans who may participate in research. For additional information, please visit the Research, VA and Volunteers page.
Your Rights as a Research Participant
Every person asked to be in a research study has rights. We want you to be aware of your rights. Please read the University of Utah Research Participant Volunteer's Bill of Rights.
Reporting Concerns or Complaints
Research participants are encouraged to express any concerns or complaints regarding involvement in a research study. You may prefer to speak directly to the investigator or members of the study staff. However, if you are unable to contact the investigator or would prefer to report the complaint to the IRB, you may do so.
When reporting a concern or complaint to the IRB, please contact the IRB office as soon as possible. You may report your concern or complaint by calling our office, sending an e-mail or sending a letter by U.S. mail. Research participants may also report a concern or complaint using the Report Form for Research Concerns or Complaints.
Research Participation Feedback
If you have been a participant in a research study at the University of Utah, Primary Children's Hospital, the VA Medical Center, or Shriners Hospital for Children and you would like to provide comments and feedback, please contact us below. Your comments are important for improving the participant experience with research at the University of Utah.
You may direct your comments to the IRB office.
Institutional Review Board
- Questions regarding your rights as a research participant
- Complaints or concerns you do not feel you can discuss with the study investigator
- Input or suggestions
IRB Email:
Research Participant Advocate
photo credit: jakubjirsak/