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University of Utah Research Participant Volunteer's Bill of Rights


Every person asked to be in a research study has rights. Researchers at the University of Utah want you to be aware of your rights.

You or your loved one has the right:

  1. To be told the purpose of the study.
  2. To be told what will happen to you during the study. Also, what procedures, drugs, or devices are considered to be research related or investigational and not part of your routine care.
  3. To be told what the possible risks, side effects, or discomforts of participating are.
  4. To be told what the benefits of being in the study are, if any.
  5. To be told what other choices you have and the risks and benefits of these choices.
  6. To be told if any medical treatment is available to you if complications arise while you are in the study.
  7. To be given time to decide if being in the study is right for you and to ask questions about the study before and during your participation.
  8. To refuse to participate. Being in the study is voluntary. You can also change your mind even after you start the study. Your decision will not affect your right to receive the care you would get if you were not in the study.
  9. To receive a copy of the signed and dated consent form.
  10. To be free of pressure or force when considering whether or not to participate.

If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, or the rights of a loved one, please contact your research doctor in the "Person to Contact" section of the consent document.

You may also contact the University of Utah Institutional Review Board (IRB) at (801) 581.3655, or the Research Participant Advocate at (801) 581.3803.


Last Updated: 5/13/24