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ERICA Status Key

Every application in ERICA displays a status viewable to the investigator. The application status changes each time the application advances a step in the review process. The status label is intended to assist investigators as they follow the application through to approval, or to direct them to the appropriate committee if they have questions or concerns.

Pre-IRB Status
Status What Does It Mean?
Creation The application is in the study team’s hands and is fully editable. It has not been submitted to the IRB yet.
HCI PRMC Review The HCI Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC) is reviewing the application. Please contact PRMC if you have questions.
RDRC-HUS Review The Radiation Safety Committee is reviewing the application. Please contact Radiation Safety if you have questions.
Faculty Approval Your Faculty Sponsor needs to review and approve your submission. The IRB has not yet received the application and no review has begun.
Responsible PI Approval The Responsible PI must submit the application. The IRB has not yet received the application and no review has begun.
PCH Review The Primary Children's Hospital Privacy Board is reviewing the application.  Please contact the PCH Privacy Board if you have questions.
VA Review The VASLCHCS is reviewing the application.  Please contact their office if you have questions.
SIRB Reliance Status
Status What Does It Mean?
Reliance Confirmation This status is only applicable to studies that utilize a single IRB (SIRB) model.  So, if you are planning on using an external IRB, or you have sites that are planning to rely on the UU SIRB for review, the application will stop in this status before being assigned to an IRB pre-reviewer.  While in this status, an assigned IRB Manager is ensuring any required reliance agreements are in process and that the IRB has enough information about the reliance arrangements that a pre-review can be conducted.  
Pending This status means an ancillary review is still in process. Once the ancillary committee has completed their review, they will sign off on the study in ERICA and notify the IRB to continue. To find out the status of the review, please contact the ancillary committee. To find out which committee is reviewing the study, you may contact us at 801-581-3655 or
UU HRPP Activation Pending This status is only applicable to studies that utilize a single IRB (SIRB) model, where the University of Utah is relying on an external SIRB.

This status means the University of Utah Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) has completed the review of your project, but we are waiting for final paperwork before we can sign off on the study and "activate" it at our site. Typically we are waiting for final SIRB approval to add Utah as a site to the study, final versions of the consent documents for Utah approved by the SIRB, etc. The application is in the study team’s hands and is editable. It must be re-submitted to the IRB before the review process can continue. 
UU HRPP Final Review This status is only applicable to studies that utilize a single IRB (SIRB) model, where the University of Utah is relying on an external SIRB. The application is being reviewed by an IRB staff member. 


Pre-Board Status
Status What Does It Mean?
Pre Review This is the first stage of the IRB review process. Your application has been assigned to an IRB staff member for a pre-review. The staff member will review your application for common errors and request clarifications/revisions as needed.
PI Corrections Revisions have been requested by the IRB staff as a result of the pre-review process. The application is in the study team’s hands and is fully editable. It must be re-submitted to the IRB before the pre-review process can continue.
Pending CoI A member of the study team must complete a Conflict of Interest (CoI) Disclosure for the pending application. Please contact CoI if you have questions.
CoI Complete All conflict of interest disclosures have been completed and the IRB has been notified. The application will be assigned to the next stage of the process soon. If your study sits in this status for longer than 1 week, please contact the IRB.
IRB Reviewer Assignment The pre-review is complete. Your application has been assigned to an IRB agenda. The assigned meeting date will display in ERICA once the meeting date is assigned; however, this date is subject to change when meeting agendas exceed reviewer capacity, or when appropriate expertise is not available on the assigned date. It is recommended that you check your assigned date often as the board review date approaches.

This status does not distinguish between “expedited” and “full board review” applications. All applications will hold in this state as they await assignment to a board reviewer.
Post-Board Status
Status What Does It Mean?
Full Board Review Your application has been assigned to a qualified board member for full board review. Board members may contact investigators during this time to request clarifications/revisions as needed. Your application will be presented at the convened board meeting on the date displayed in ERICA.

IRB meeting coordinators have up to one business week to complete post-board correspondence and inform you of the board’s decision at the meeting.
Expedited Review Your application has been assigned to a qualified, designated expedited board member for “expedited” review. (Please note: the term “expedited” means the application only requires the approval of one board member, rather than a majority approval from a convened panel of members. It does not refer to the amount of time it takes to review/approve the application. Expedited applications are reviewed on the same assigned schedule as full board applications.) Board members may contact investigators during this time to request clarifications/revisions as needed. Your application will be handled electronically during the week before and after the meeting date displayed in ERICA.

IRB meeting coordinators have up to one business week to complete post-board correspondence and inform you of the expedited board reviewer’s decision.
IRB Staff Review The expedited reviewer assigned to your study requested clarifications and sent the study back to the IRB staff. The IRB staff member assigned to handle your study post-board (usually the meeting coordinator) should be getting in touch with you soon for clarifications.
PI Revisions Revisions have been requested by the convened board, or the expedited reviewer for your application. The application is in the study team’s hands and is fully editable. It must be re-submitted to the IRB before the review process can continue.
Revision Review The IRB meeting coordinator is working with the board reviewer to verify whether the requested changes/clarifications have been adequately provided.
Pending Ancillary Review An ancillary committee was reviewing your project at the same time as the IRB, but they haven’t finished yet. The study cannot be processed by the IRB until the ancillary committee has completed their review. Contact the IRB to find out which committee is holding your study. Contact the individual committee to find out what is pending.
Chair Review/Signature An IRB chair is performing a final check of your application. When the chair signs off, the application will move to final processing.
Final Processing The IRB meeting coordinator is processing your documents. This is the final stage in the approval process.

Delays in this stage of the process usually mean the IRB is holding the application pending submission of information or documentation needed before final approval. Please contact the IRB if you have questions.
Post-Approval Status
Status What Does It Mean?
Approved, Exempt, Non-Human Subjects Research (NHSR) "Approved" means your study is currently approved by the IRB. "Exempt" means your study has been exempted from continuing review by the IRB. "Non-Human Subjects Research" means the IRB has formally determined that the project submitted in the application does not satisfy the federal definition of "human subject research".
Expired IRB Approval Your study is expired. By law, once a study has expired, all research activities associated with the study must cease until the study is renewed. Expiration means, by definition, that the study is not currently approved by the IRB and it constitutes research misconduct to continue work on it.
Administrative Hold An administrative hold is a voluntary action by an investigator to temporarily or permanently stop some or all approved research activities. Contact the IRB to move your study out of this status.
Suspended A suspension of IRB approval is a directive of the convened IRB either to temporarily or permanently stop some or all previously approved research activities. Suspended protocols remain open and require continuing review. Contact the IRB to move your study out of this status.
Terminated A termination of IRB approval is a directive of the convened IRB to permanently stop all activities in a previously approved protocol. Terminated protocols are considered closed and no longer required continuing review.
Long-Term Follow-Up Some studies are put into this status when a long-term follow-up protocol is created in collaboration with the IRB and department.
Last Updated: 6/7/23